Friday 30 January 2015

True love

Indeed God loves us so so much. He unsparingly sent His only son to die so that we can have life and have it to its fullest. who can love so much like that?  At very many moments we disobey and insult Him but He pays no attention to all that, He just continues to invite us to repent and turn away from our sinful nature.instead of scolding and blaming us, He just warmly welcomes and prepares a banquet for us...can u imagine? we do not deserve this..not at all! But thx be to God, His love for us is so much that it makes Him forget our sinfulness and He just hugs and embraces us. am trying to ponder about how deep this love can be..its really so much but its sad that many of us do not know it. we live a life hopelessness, sadness yet our God( the king of kings- the one who loves us so much) is continuously calling and inviting us. this is the time my friend to say enough is enough to sadness, hopelessness, unforgiveness ...yes also that thing that has been disturbing for a very long time, just surrender to Him, let Him have the burden of everything in your life. this is so wanderful and so amusing because because you only have one simple role you have to play and that is to report to Him and sit back and at the end of the day you achieve great victory. my dear friend are tired of fighting your battles? are you over burdened by everything around? and  to want a faithful companion? Jesus is the answer.
i will continue from here next time as we talk more about God's boundless love for us.

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